Getting Acquainted with a Mobility Scooter – User Guide and Safety Tips

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If you have arthritis, are older, or have mobility issues that make it hard for you to get around, a mobility scooter can be a lifesaver.

Mobility scooters are examples of lifestyle-enhancing machines that can help restore your independence and mobility. 

Today, you can find different types and models of mobility scooters available in the market. However, getting the right mobility scooter is crucial since purchasing the wrong one and using it the wrong way can make the user feel more frustrated. It can even lead to some injuries, such as falls.

So, we’re going to make sure you get the absolute most from your purchase by outlining exactly how to pick out the right mobility device for your life and show you how to use it safely.

mobility scooter

What is a Mobility Scooter?

Mobility scooters are vehicles designed in much the same manner as motorized scooters. They may have three or four wheels and can be maneuvered with a tiller or handlebar similar to one found in bicycles. Mostly, they have cushioned luxury seats and flat bases for footrests.

These mobility aids are engineered for both internal as well as external use. Most scooters in the market today can be easily dismantled and stored when not in use. 

In some versions, the chairs are mounted on swiveling rods to enable more mobility and options to recline the chair and use it for a quick nap.

How to Purchase a Perfect Scooter for Your Loved Ones

Like any other mobility device or aid, there is no one size fits all solution for mobility scooters. When choosing the right healthcare equipment, you need to select the model or type of scooter that fits the user’s needs and lifestyle.

To help you in the selection process, ask yourself the following questions:

Can I Afford This?

Depending on the brand and type of scooter, this mobility aid can be a hefty investment. Make sure to assess your budget and inquire with your insurance company if they will cover it, and if yes, how much the policy will cover.

Can I Operate the Scooter?

Ask yourself or assess the user if they are physically able to operate the scooter. Before you invest in a scooter or any mobility device in this regard, make sure you’re able to sit upright for prolonged periods. For people with bad backs, this can be an issue. The user will also need to operate the scooter with both hands at all times, for safety reasons.

Can I Travel with It?

If you or the user travels frequently, ask your salesperson or provider if it can be easily transported. When traveling, the scooter must be easily disassembled to fit in the trunk of a vehicle.

Will the Scooter Fit in my Home?

If you will use the scooter at home most of the time, make sure to take a good look at all the sharp corners, stairs, and the size or layout of your bathroom if it can fit in. 

In case the scooter is too big to fit in your bathroom doors, consider buying something smaller and nimbler.

Safety Tips When Using Mobility Scooters

To avoid potential health risks or accidents, make sure that the user has tried out the scooter for size and weight requirements. 

Also, take time to get to know your mobility scooter and take a bit of practice to get used to the size and operation.

Make sure to practice using the scooter in open spaces, if possible. Know the speeds so that you can always keep it under control. 

It’s also vital that the user knows the turning radius so they can know what corners and turns they can safely navigate when using it. 

Lastly, the key is for the user to keep the center of gravity right where it should be at all times, in the middle of their seat.